Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A good day!

Oooh yeah!!! "I have EXCERSIIIISED the DEMONS!!! Happy day! WOOP WOOP!

Woo... ehm, sorry. But it IS a happy day, because ladies and gentlemen, my kickstarter award for
"Master of Anatomy book 2&3" campaign is finally here, and it looks AMAZING! A lot of controversy has gone into this campaign after the creators hit a snag with the e-books awards (which I also initially applied for), but all in all, this is the next best thing.

I haven't had the time to look through the books extensively, but from what I've seen it looks really good, from all the different artists participation, to the character designs themselves. One of the con's was the thickness of the paper, some said it was quit thin, so you saw the drawings through the pages, although this is true, but personally, it doesn't really bother me so much.

In the end, I'm superhappy that I got to contribute to this campaign, with an awesome payback! If you want to check out the kickstarter, you can see it HERE.

No if you'll excuse me, I need some private time with my books!:P

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